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June 2020

I was interviewed by the Nonfiction Authors Association in June 2020 about my memoir Mad Like Me and my upcoming projects.

January 2020

I was a guest on the live American radio show eCareDiary where I spoke about how bipolar disorder has affected my life, and shared tips to help caregivers navigate the journey and offer the right kind of help.


Listen to the 15-minute interview here:

October 2019

I was a guest on Greg Kovacs’ podcast “True You!” We discussed my experiences as a health professional who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the symptoms of both depression and mania, my family’s initial reactions to my diagnosis, and stigma and destigmatization.


Listen to the 43-minute podcast here:

April 2019

My book Mad Like Me was featured in the magazine “Wits Review” of my alma mater, the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is a summary of the article that was previously published in their November 2018 newsletter. The full magazine can be viewed here.


March 4, 2019

Reflecting on the process of writing Mad Like Me, I came up with tips to write your own memoir. My guest blog post about this has just been featured on the Nonfiction Authors Association’s blog.

Dec, 2018

My first alma mater, the University of KwaZulu-Natal where I studied nursing and sociology, published an article about Mad Like Me on page 75 of their annual (December 2018) UKZNTouch magazine.


Dec 11, 2018

This article that I wrote about spirituality and mental illness is the third in a series of articles published in the BahaiTeachings newsletter.

Nov 22, 2018

I wrote an article (second in a series) titled “Something’s Not Right: Should I Consult a Psychiatrist?” that was published in the BahaiTeachings newsletter.

Nov 19, 2018

I wrote this article titled “A Spiritual Reaction to My Mental Illness” published in the Nov 2018 BahaiTeachings newsletter.

Nov 7, 2018

An article about Mad Like Me appeared in the November 2018 newsletter of my alma mater, the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, where I did my Master’s and PhD. The first part of the article is shown below. (“Witsie” is the nickname for alumni from the University of the Witwatersrand.)

Sept 2018

I wrote a 2-page article about Mad Like Me for the Fall 2018 edition of Friends for Mental Health’s newsletter “Family Matters”.

July 30, 2018

I was selected as the featured member of the Nonfiction Authors Association in July 2018.

July 8, 2018

CBC News published an article about Mad Like Me on July 8, 2018:

July 7, 2018

I was interviewed by Ainslie MacLellan on the CBC Radio One show “All in a Weekend” about my book Mad Like Me. The interview aired on July 7 2018.


Listen to the 12-minute interview here:


June 2018

This one-page article about the book was published in the Summer 2018 edition of AMI-Quebec’s newsletter, “Share & Care”.


If you’d like me to draft a similar piece for your organization’s newsletter, please contact me.

AMI-Quebec June 2018.png

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